
Our Vision

A world in which all people are loved as children of God, and where the creation is cared for as the gift of God – now and for the future.


Our Mission

To become a community of compassion where we learn to love God, ourselves, all human beings, and creation with heart, mind, soul, and strength

Our Values

  • Imagination

    We know that a life worth living is shaped and limited only by the perimeters of our imagination. 

  • Generosity

    We believe that a life worth living includes generosity of time, talent, and treasure to nourish the common good.

  • Gratitude

    We express our gratitude for, and to, people, challenging experiences, art, and creation.

  • Justice

    We believe all persons should be treated equally regardless of faith, color, sexual orientation, or economic background.

  • Faith

    We are aware of and attuned to God’s presence in our everyday experiences.

  • Love

    We believe love is a spiritual practice and over time we can get better at loving ourselves and our neighbors.

  • Clarity

    We remain clear in our mission to be a force for good in our community and the world.

  • Humility

    We embrace humility as one of the few inexhaustible resources available to us as we strive to live with grace and compassion.

  • Peace

    We recognize that peace refers to well-being and calm within oneself as well as connections, compassion, justice, and unity between people.

  • Hope

    We know that hope is a positive and potent spiritual practice with the power to pull us through difficult times.

  • Curiosity

    We understand asking questions is a transformative process unearthing things we don’t know about the world as well as about ourselves.

  • Teamwork

    We trust that working together to use our time, talent, and treasure is the best way to support our imagined goals.