A group of people from Round Hill Community Church who are concerned w/ the increasing gun violence in our country, have started a conversation called, Let’s Talk About Guns.
Our goal is to begin a conversation about guns, gun violence, and gun safety. Let’s Talk About Guns is in the self-education phase. We’re exploring gun culture in the U.S.: history, current advocacy and the wide scope of attitudes and viewpoints.
We understand that the two “sides” obviously do not understand each other. We want to listen to and learn from others both inside and outside our congregation and welcome additional voices to our group.
We remember and pray for all victims and their families
Every year we join at Town Hall for the Proclamation: The proclamation recognizes National Gun Violence Prevention Day and the Town’s work towards solutions to reduce gun violence in ALL forms. Wear Orange - Your presence and support matter!
Wear Orange is an opportunity to join others in the gun violence prevention movement to raise awareness about the impact gun violence has on our country. We do this by bringing together a coalition of supporters and a broad spectrum of organizations, brands, and influencers working in different ways to curb gun violence.
Thousands of supporters, influencers, corporate partners, non-profit partners, and elected officials will participate in National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange Weekend early in June.
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Be Part of this…
Sunday 05.21 2023 A CONVERSATION WITH JONATHAN PERLOE: Join us after worship for a conversation with Jonathan Perloe, Communications Director of CAGV (Connecticut Against Gun Violence).
He will lead us in a discussion of what can be done; what we can do. Presented by RHCC’s Let’s Talk About Guns initiative.
More than 13,900 people have been killed in gun violence so far in 2023; 491 teens, 85 children. Suicide by gun makes up the majority of these deaths. —from Gun Violence Archive
Monday, May 23 from 4 to 6 p.m.: Join us in the Parlor for dinner, conversation, and a short movie to consider the impact of gun violence on everyday citizens, and how we might take the next steps forward to make a difference. Director of Programs and Communications for CT Against Gun Violence and Greenwich resident, Jonathan Perloe, will join us in the conversation. Attendance is limited.
Wednesday, March 30: we will gather in person at noon in the Parlor, to discuss John Woodrow Cox's book, Children Under Fire: An American Crisis; an intimate account of the devastating effects of gun violence on our Nation’s Children, and a call to action for a new way forward. The book is available through online book retailers or in local bookstores; copies are also available through the Greenwich public library system. For those unable to join us in person, we will offer a second discussion that same day at 5 p.m. via Zoom.
Sunday, March 27: The Rev. Shannon White will lead our 10 a.m. service with a sermon focused on how communities of faith can respond to gun violence.
Recommended Reading
Beating Guns: Hope for People Who are Weary of Violence
Shane Claiborne + Michael Martin
Children Under Fire: An American Crisis
John Woodrow Cox
The Violence Inside Us: A Brief History of an Ongoing American Tragedy
Sen. Chris Murphy (CT)
Gun Guys: A Road Trip
Dan Baum
Don’t Shoot: One Man, a Street Fellowship, and the End of Violence in Inner-City America
David M. Kennedy
Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America
Adam Winkler
“How Can You Hate Me When You Don’t Even Know Me?”
Nicholas Kristof for The New York Times, 26 June 2021
The Armor of Light
Follows an Evangelical minister and the mother of a teenage shooting victim who ask, is it possible to be both pro-gun and pro-life?
Recent Media
Peter Murchison
Gun violence in the US has been described in epidemic proportions. Today's guest Peter Murchison of the Wilton Quaker Meeting, shares his personal story of loss at Sandy Hook in 2012. Together, we learn about how that horrendous event spurred him into action and the impact he and others are having in transformative ways.
God Before Guns.
In this episode of our church podcast, Round Hill Radio, we interview the Reverend Kris Eggert, co- founder and Executive Director of God Before Guns.