So much to love!
Inspiring sermons Times of quiet reflection Beautiful music Friendship and social events Supporting others: here, near, and far
Preservation of the earth Christian education for our children Thoughtful conversations Keeping in touch online
We've provided information about the giving levels that are necessary to fund the programs that help us flourish as a congregation. As we strive together to give at the levels that support these various ministries, we can do so in the confidence that we are serving as a force for good in the world and for the world.
Nurturing Our Children
Supplies for children's Christian education
Monthly Sunday morning nursery care
Children's Ministries curriculum
Caring for Creation
Bulbs, shrubs, and worms for our new Children's Garden
One month of the solar lease panels
Developing a native grass garden
Electric heat pumps in the Community House
to reduce heating oil use
Tree care and planting new trees for a year
Enriching Our Faith
A year of flowers in the Sanctuary
A year of flowers in the Sanctuary
A month of soloists in worship
Annual educational programs and talks aimed at
enriching lives and passions
A year of guest musicians at special services
Innovative Outreach
A month of Round Hill Radio podcasts
A month of Outreach grants
A month of online worship services